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Thursday, March 10, 2011

ujian kpp~ huwahuwahuwa

assalamualiakum mr boo..

hmm lama dh xjumpa kn..ihi3.. boo,, ai skrng hdp tnpa arah tuju..ai bgn lmbt tdr lmbt solat jrng2..ai sedar ai teruk tp ai xtau mcmana nk mula blk..ai sbnrnya takut boo.. post ai y lepas ai ckp ai xnk berputus asa kn,,but i just look a give up person..  boo,,y must i always fail in my examination?? i'd try my best..y? now,the same goes happen last week on saturday..  y its must failed? bila boleh ai bg kejayaan tu pd orng?tunjuk dgn rasa sesangat bangga..n y paling pnting ai dh xpelu rasa malu utk ckp tntng result..y boo? am i really bad? am i not deserve to hold a kind of success? am i?

back to the title,,actly last week i went to e-koms..boo, did u know what kind of place i went?? arhgg.. again,,not 4 da 1st time boo,,but dah bekali2..xkn ai bk timgallkan ujian tu skali lg kn? its shud not be rite boo?  that day when i failed i called my driver teacher,,i told him about what happen..he said to me " berak3" u did not noe what that mean rite? n again he said " budok2 taun ni berak2 belako" huh his mouth work really well that thay boo.. he just talk n talk in annoying way...its jerk boo.. panas telinga ai dh nk terbakar boo.. he make me waiting almost 3 hours in e-koms place.. in the hot day.. then,bila dia dtng he said to follow him to yakin pandu..huh..what the hell!!!! dia ckp denda.. n dia xboley hntr sbb ade majlis maulud..huh..klow dh dia ase camtu y dia xambk ai awl2 kn boo.. n xdelaa aii tepaksa tumgu sana lama2.. just take me with him..nie lps 3 hour n take me n paksa srh stay dkt ctu smbl bt ujian y sama tu lg.. mmg sgt2 menyampah.. aii dh btol2 panas.. dia xtau ke y ai nie pun frust,,ingt ai suka ka tgk dia n srh dia hntr dkt tmpt y sma beulang kali..ingat ai suka ka lmbt2 kn lesen.. ai said no boo!!

boo,,i bosan asyik gagal jer..and kegagalan ai nie melibatkn  wang gak boo..tuu y ai ase dh xnk baja kete..tp klo ai xde lesen,, how come ai nk pegi cri kerja? semua kerja nk ade kenderaan sndiri+lesen kereta..tuu y bt ai ase nk sgt menjerit..ai ssh klow still xpndai bwk kereta sndiri..atau klow ai ade lesen motosikal..khdpn ai lps nie mgkn akn jd lbh easy kn boo.. boo,,ai kena kuat! n td lam kol 10 kot cikgu tu send msg ckp klas esop tu btl..menyampah tau boo..dia xboley sesenang nk bt camgini..ai y patut aturkn jadual..bkn dia..ntah2 dia sakit hati dgn ai sbb ai balik lepas bt ujian dkt yakin pandu tuu lam sejam jer.. i mitak tolong kkk i dtng sbb i dh ase sesangat2 menyampah n meluat..boley gila ai klow asyik kena tumguu jer tau!! msa tuu ai try called him but no anwers kn so ai pun send msg..hehehe..lantak la dia nk kate apepun..dat y la dia boikot i minggu ni kot..uhuu..snrnya boo,,cipgu tuu kwn abng ai..kira kenaln la gtu..tp ai aser sesangat sangat menyampah dgn dia..cakap kotsuka ati die jer..huh.. lantak dia la pikir apepun pasai ai,,sbb ai tau mmg ai slow kn..klow x tentu ai dh lulus msa bt ujian awl2 aritu kn..huhh geramnyaaa!!!!

kla boo,,setakat nie jelaa k,,ai dh nk titow..esop aii nk bgn awl,,nk pegi jln2 kb den nk beli no pin kplspm..huhu..klow aii dpt twrn jd gikgu sek  rendah pun ok jugak kn boo... n esop jugak ai nk bersihkn bilik air bwh dlm bilik..ihi3..dh itam sgt suda..kua3.. daa boo..gud nite.. doakn ai esop yaa!! daaa... assalamualaikum <3
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