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Saturday, January 19, 2013

my little baby paei

paei my sayangs now xberapa sihat. truly sad to him.. asyik menjadi-jadi jer sekarang. dulu dia ok jer kalo nangis pun xde sampai penat(lembik) atau mata samai naik atas(selok). bila my sil and bro bawa dia jumpa doktor semuanya ok. jantung,kepala semua ok. weare truly worry about him. sampai evryone around him would crying when lookim him to be like that.

before this,paei dah jadi macam ni. tapi xlama lepas tu ok.lepas tu jadi balik.  he's still baby and young to through this. he look really tired when crying. and one more thing about my paei. when he start crying we have to stop him. kena pujuk untuk dia berhenti menangis. kena bangun and kena cuba tenangkan dia klo x dia akan jadi macam sesak nafas,penat,mata pun boleh terangkat keatas. can you imagine? lepas tu dia terus tidur.. my paei akan jadi macam ni lebih kurang 5 minute.. setiap minit saat tu bagai kena hiris jer jantung kulit ni.. huhu

i dont know what happen to him, is it he got some trauma? but trauma about what? from what i had learned. trauma can be on pregnancy,during delivery or after they born. but i dont sure what kind of trauma about he had.. we truly pity to him.too sad too worried.

masa first time dia jadi macam ni, dia ada muntah,cirit birit also. then he crying like the world going to end. then repeat and repeated over and over again..huhu.. we still did'nt get the conclusion why this baby behave like this. my bro and sil ada juga pergi jumpa pakar rawatan islam.dan macam lagi.. but still tiada perubahan..


Photo: Adkkk faizzzz,penat sgguhla,,,,xleh tgk bilo jd lgunimmmm,,penatttt sudahhhh tdrrrr,,,huhuhuhu

Dear my friend who read this. do pray for my little paei.. we love him so much. he still young to through all this. hopefully adik paei boleh cepat sembuh and dah xjadi ni lagi..Aamiin..       


1 comment

January 19, 2013 at 10:11 AM

Comelnya babyyy... teringib bak ada baby cpt2. Hari ni frust sb cik P dah datang. Pjj ni susah betul. Hukhuk. Semoga baby cpt baik yeaaa

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