salam..hyee.. ok harini nak share poem yang cik estila bt,katanya lah.. tp yang pasti tulisan tu saya yang tulis. amacam? heee.. ok poem ni pun adalah satu cara untuk kita tarik perhatian children untuk belajar.samada dari segi reading kah? writing kah? listening kah? or speaking kah? melalui writing, teacher boleh memberi tunjuk ajar dengan meminta mereka menulis berpandukan perasaan mereka,
teacher/parents bawa children to any places yang boleh memberi mereka peluang untuk berfikir kearah gratis dan kreatif selain memupuk sikap ingin mengetahui . As example eyh, poem yang dkt bawah ni. beach. teacher or parents can ask them:
-what do you see
-what do you hear
-what can you touch
-what can you taste
-what do you smell
from there the children will trying to speak. to share what is on their mind. then the teacher give them paper,pencil. let them try to write also. the simple short poem its enough for young children. not as like this poem eyh. the teacher can give them aspiration, spirits, give them chance to creating their own imagination through writing.
oohh yeayhh, i think that all.. the real poem for children will be update soon ;)
#early literacy#
Oh yeah. Ada bakatttt. ;)
shakespeare was at the beach just now. hehe~ just kiddin'. nice poem. sometimes, writing a poem is one way to speak out wat is in ur heart. ^^
@NinaAz hee xdelaa..
@sufinah wah shakespeare nah bg kat kita.. xlaa..awk pun boleh bt mcm tu..
ni poem bkn sy bt lgpun..hee tulis jer..hee