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Sunday, May 8, 2016

TRAVEL REVIEW | 1Day Singapore Trip|Bahtera kembara holidays

Yesterday 7 may 2016 around 4 to 4.30 am... i got my first big accident in my life.. it was shocking as its should be a happy trip but turn into a tragedies..

If the tragedies won't happen then that would be my second trip on that country.. i believe the experience could be different so i decided to have 1 day trip to singapore.. unfortunately it was turn into tragedies and a 8 month baby has died.. she straight to heaven.. Al- fatihah buat anak syurga Raisya.. while almost half of the people in the bus got injured.. and Alhamdulillah im just fine with no big injured.. lucky with a scratch and bruise.. Allah want give me another wake up call.. if just im not wake up from the sleep and die.. ya allah.. forgive me..
When i open up my eyes.. it was a very scary environment.. a bus accident because of a sleepy driver and fast driving.. that what has been told by a baby father and the people on the bus who do not sleep on that time .. i was shaking.. i could not think anything.. what my thought is to get out from the bus as soon as possible.. while im hearing all the tears, screaming and names.. since im all alone and do not know anyone.. i hv to stand up and survive and make a come back..

I can stand up my legs even if shaking.. it was not easy to get out from my seat.. one leg is beside my backpack and my partner chair and her was above me.. whatever it is.. i have to get out.. and safely get out from the seat.. took my backpack and my side beg.. after got it all my things.. i have to help my partner beside my seat.. it was not easy to as she was above her seat.. i pull out her hand.. i do not know where is front or back.. i could not found a door and apparently have to come out from the roof top of the bus window.. my leg was shaking.. not only my leg but all over my body.. to get out from the bus were not easy.. after 3rd or 4th trial only i can go out.. from out of the bus i still hearing screaming names and tears.. i could not help people.. as my mind and body still not think well.. i do not know if it was a dream or im already die and watching people and hearing things as im all alone..

I only know 3 people.. En Afiq,the travel agent, kakak beside me and one young girl Hana.. with shaking legs..  once i remember the both of them, i try to find them.. my eyes and legs does not cooperate.. im sit down.. im worried of  21 years old, hana.. alone traveller also.. my eyes keep looking.. and seeing blood on people face was a scary things.. a parents crying.. a family looking to each member.. a friend is helping to another friend and im all alone just like hana..

My only thought was only her.. when sit down and im alone and nothing serious happen to my physical  body..mybe i could lease help people who needs.. but i dont do anything.. my emotion was not stable.. my mentalities in the lowest peak.. then later, hana came to me.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. she was here.. not inside the bus..

She was not all okay after all.. her face full of blood.. she got a big injured on her forehead.. it was much pain.. i know.. she ask about water and i don' t have.. and from that i start to talk.. i aking a girl next to me and she have the water and i have the towel.. i gave them to hana.. she is brave girl.. i know.. she brave's girl.. she still want know how deep the wound.. and i have to tell her the thruth.. but still she was accepting.. she told me she was cold and i hv to remind her that she have to still wake up.. a blood on her head still running.. i ask the policeman about the medical rescue and he said they are on the way..

Later, i found en afiq.. and he got injured too.. however he look try his best to help the other passenger.. cooperate with police and recheck their customer name over times..  but i pray that he won't weak and have a strength to face this as another challenge in running the business.. and have a better plan to all customer sg trip 6 to 7 may..

Alhamdulillah the three face that i know a while was safe.. alhamdulillah..
"Tiadalah ujian yang Allah beri setimpal dengan apa yang hambanya mampu"
And all what i have is trauma without bad physically effect, lost things or people.. Alhamdulillah.. thank you Allah.. thank you..

A bruise and scratch.. and body ache start coming over my body.. neck and back.. legs and hands.. it was all not as weight as others.. Alhamdulillah..

"Semoga kalian yang kehilangan tabah dalam menghadapi ujian ini"

Takziah buat baby Raisya parent..
Semoga baby tenang disana..
Tunggu dan bawa ibu dan ayahmu disyurga sana..

Will be continue...

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