'sambil' leisure at home. i always try to spend some times to make small research about enhancing my knowledge in children development and for some reason. i love more to spend my precious time with kids. especially with my niece and nephew.
so here, i would like to share with you people who have children around. this activities is simple one to do and it is waste if we neglect these activities.
1. Practice the Alphabet.
I understand when some of us thought that we do not need to rush kids in academic learning. especially in knowing the alphabet. but it does not mean we should ignore. do not rush mean do not force but doing a fun activities with them. so, for this activities, we can always sing the alphabet song. trust me, it's help. second, highlight the ABC when you read a book with your children. especially the book tittle.
2. Count.
Count everything. count how many toys the children have. count how many flowers in books. count when using stairs. count how many birds fly. sing a number song and count. count the block. count a stake toys.
3. Sing Together.
Sing a songs together make your relationship between you and your children close. i found it. i love sing with my niece Milliy and we sing a lot of songs together. and She well know very much songs at age of 2. Her language development also well developed. play a CD's or install many song at your home and your car. choose the music you love and play over and over again. your children will start sings along when she recognize what she is singing from time to time. here is Milliy's favourite songs WATERMELON SONG. and remember to select songs with repetition words.
4. Give Her/His choice.
This one always forget to do. i knows well somehow an adult have some a memory problem when she want do that she will do another one. so here, please remember. given them a chance to choose will embrace them more. they will recognize and more appreciate in future. try your best to give them a chance to choose. would you like apple or watermelon juice? do you want Elsa dress or Anna dress?
5. Identify the noises and sounds.
Ask your children to identify the noise they hear. a car, bus, motorcycle, an animals; birds, cats, chicken.
okay, That all for tonight. i will update more from time to time.. 'Insyaallah. semoga bermanfaat'.