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Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sleeping tips for kiddos

1.43 in morning.. faiz dan arsyad dah selamat tidur.. weheee... actually, i like to share all my gossip between my both nephew and i.. the gossip was like this..

Around 12.30 am.. suddenly my both nephew came into my room. That time i was watching korean drama D-day episode 11.. wehee.. and when they came. Obviously i need to stop.. but continue until i finish the part 1..

During watching the part 1.. boleh2 si faiz request upin ipin.. and the answer of course memang taklah.. so.. no gain no  upin ipin.. so he requested again.. and i mengelak lah.. dengan cara..

Cuba tengok ni.. bomba.. doktor ni tengah selamat budak dan ayah dia kena runtuhan gempa bumi.. wehee.. guess what.. the real gossip beg

Faiz n arsyad start his questions and seem interested.. so byk2 soalan and faiz connect gempa bumi dengan banjir yang melanda kelantan tahun lepas.. faiz tanya macam tu ka.. and i need to answer them.. how is gempa bumi.. habis gempa bumi tnya pula siapa tu(dalam cerita) and i hv to explained that this is doctor.. this is bomba.. this is nurse.. point my finger to the screen.. yeayh faiz just 3 years old.. and then berkait2.. y doctor dengan nurse being there bukan dekat hospital? Ohh means he know them.. in short brief i tell them how is that career need to do.. i keep repeated words help.. Arshad ask.. nurse dengan doctor mana lagi byk duit? I know what he means.. and i answer both is want to help people..  eventhough dah sangat malam.. and i know they must sleep.. so dengan berat hati close down my laptop.. berhuhuhu la... so i thought that the both of them can sleep after that.. exactly NO..

Arsyad dah start to be silent.. but faiz still energized.. makan gula byk la ni.. and he requested for story.. so i ask them.. cerita pasal mimpi nak pergi angkasa nak..ehh tetiba bunyi suara aryad nak2.. then.. bla..bla.. bla.. habis.. quite long.. sambil cerita bukan senyap jer.. macam2 soalan dan terpaksa la csu yang comel ni berputar 100 darjah jawab soalan.. ingtkn dah kata ends tu means dah nak tidur.. siap baca doa tidur lagi.. ehh.. rupa2nya nak story lain lagi...

So i tanya diorang.. cerita gempa bumi nak.. and wah lagi excited and more energy.. aiyoooo.. bla.. bla.. bla.. tentang akibat.. mcmna jd.. knapa jd.. siapa kena tolong.. and most story.. i connect with the powerful of Allah with the example from the child situation in the D-day drama. Sampaila.. kita kena berbuat baik..kena berdoa.. bila kita berdoa mesti Allah tolong.. dan suddenly.. Allah suka tak pada orang hitam? Ehhh.. soalan gimana ni... so i tell them again.. Allah suka pada orang hitam putih gemuk kurus  pendek tinggi tapi Allah tidak suka pada orang yang jahat nakal tidak dengar cakap suka gaduh2.. Allah suka orang yang baik baik.. jadi faiz dengan Abang(arsyad) nak jadi y mana? Then i dengar orang yang baik baik.. Alhamdulillah.. then again.. i told and really end up my story.. after saying.. look at that that boy and his father dalam cerita tadi.. sebab dia baik.. dia selalu minta doa.. Allah tolong dia.. Allah hantar bomba hantar doktor hantar nurse tolong that boy and his father.. then i saw his anggukkan.. hopefully they got the message..

Arsyad sleeping already after finish the story.. but faiz still pusing pusing and macam2.. sakit perut panas nak kencing.. faiz diapers free already.. berhuhuhuhu lagi la saya.. so jalan terakhir is i need to keep silent.. and succeed.. yehhaa!

So now i pula xdapat nak tidur.. berhuhuhu la saya..

1.Story telling
2.nursery rhymes
3.silence kan diri

Most VALUABLE tips..

No gadget No light

hihihi.. so this are all my gossip be4 sleep.. actly nak share semua.. tapi memandangkan dah cukup panjang so.. bye. Titik


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