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Thursday, October 1, 2015

School Sports Day

              Our next projects are school sports day. These projects are held on 18 April 2015, Saturday. For these projects, the children are need to practicing their running skill with baton or without baton. Not all children contributing and joined to this sports day. The colour for the children has been divided into four part of sports house which are Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. I am handling the children for Red house. 
        From what I saw during practicing, mostly the children really quick learner, they can understand what they have to do for the game especially, for the passing baton game. However, there are children who can run faster but confusing with the start. Few of them even been told for many times but they still with the confusing and do not start running after start.
              To do not let the others children who do not involve with the game, the children need to be a cheer leader for their own sports house. The children are very cheerful and their cheer leader gives a lot of helpful for the children who compete during running.
             For the real sports game, the children have high spirit to win the game. However after the sun catching up, the children look tiring and start getting bored. One of the boys’ named Aqlan crying for to do not want join running for yellow house baton games. This gives one of their yellow team named Adam need to double running from the real distance.
             After all, the children were really enjoyed and exhausted with the game. But, the parents keep giving them supported to play and gain them energy to continue and win the game battle.

During practicing

During the game held on

With my group practicum teacher at SKS7,Bandar Baru Bangi

for this so called project, I learned that children comfort should be more considered. a fairness, a spiritual, a support and a honest. a young children especially preschool, they are the youngest in the school, they need a gentle care, priority to play and match the game first as what their role should be. their behavior like easily tired from waiting will be the main reason they never to play  and we never can expect the children behavior. they act in different action in different mood. what we can do as teachers is to provide a comfort place, an simple game and a food or water a many as possible to encouraging them to be patience and stay eager to fight as active child to win any match. 

after All, i still remember how the children acts after they won or lose. i believe that children need to be rewarded by their own hard work compare than rewarded their team first. 

for each child that actively participate have done their own best. 


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