after i listened to all the AF students and look at the song writer and lyrics.. EHh,, tetiba i rasa nak review performance final AF ni..
I found Sufi are really the most talented one.. the lyrics is the bomb.. i really like that i keep playing. the music start was amazing.. write by himself, and i found he is talented and in future he will come out with many song in different kind of lyrics and style. while posting this post also i keep listening his song. i really like "DUA MUKA" . i thought,, lirik sangat ,memainkan peranan pendengar. i feel like reading a novel from Ramlee awang mursheed and this song was the theme song.
Syamel, he is good. i really like his voice. and he is still talented. i can listened to his song and i also keep listened to his song. just he need to more extra in working his song and lyrics.
Bila, i keep following her track even though watching Daei.. i will try to change the channel to watch bila performance. however, for the final, bila not much in attracting me to like the song and the lyrics. the song like still common in the industry and i don 't feel to come in love to listened and listened.
just when, Syamel and Sufi are writing their own song and be their own composer for their own song, i feel that they are talented and they know what they want into their song. they both can be a winner tonite..