Do you know how tough is a child life? Not only about academic, sports, parents, teachers, siblings but it included their friends.. a child life seem no stressfull but yes.. there is.. especially when they had a friend who is more strong than themselves.. always teasing.. always being strong in their eyes but actually not.. they(kids) who don't know that their action is actually hurting their friend.. then the child would experience a bad memory through out their childhood.. this is sad tragedy for a child lives.. 😭
So what should you do as parents to encourage your child to be kind at school but yet brave and confidence?
So what you can do as teacher who are seeing scene childs who are energetic but yet don't know how to use their speciality right way. And seeing a child who to shy but yet so kind and easily experience bullied act..
Rules. Dicipline. Respect. These are very important stage during early age as a child.
Spread out kindness yet confidence and brave..