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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Jangan terpedaya

Harini ustaz masuk kelas sudah hampir ke tghri tp bau perfumes still wangi tumo tumo lagi... ha3.. berzikir cikgu hada dlm hati takut terjatuh hati 👧💘👦.. he3.. kalau ustaz y terjatuh hati dulu xpela.. 👦💘👧 ha3..

Kata anak muridku lagi depan ustaz y sama tuu dgn lantangnya lagi 👊👊👊

Cikgu hada tu bukan baik sangat pun.. cuma baik untuk memperdayakan ustaz!!

Pendek dan padat.. jgn terpedaya ya 👦

Hhaihhh... hhhaihhh... aduhai awk ni.. dan i know i should feel i am such lucky to meet a child like you.. out spoken.. and there is nothing to be scared for.. u r really special to me..

Awk la 1st student cikgu
Y kutuk cikgu depan2
Y kata bodoh kat cikgu
Y tolak cikgu
Y tampar cikgu
Y tendang kaki cikgu
Y jerit kat cikgu tanpa rasa takut
Y lari pusing 1 sekolah
Y ugut cikgu terjun bangunan
Y ugut cikgu nak pecahkan cermin
Dan macam2 yang lagi....betapa yang dan sayang nya cikgu kat awk 😗💓

Dan awkla juga.. bila character awk berubah.. u r the sweetest child, kind hearted and most genius among ur friend... how special u are..

Because you special.. cikgu xpernah boleh sambil lewa.. mood awak akan berubah tidak kira bila dan masa..


Thursday, March 9, 2017

ADHD traits

Staying close with adhd kids somehow make me think that i might have Adhd traits too..

ADHD traits:
Easily getting angry
Easily whine/cranky
Easily bored
Sensitive to sensory
Starring at nowhere
Low self esteem
Forgetful/losing items
Suicide minds/blackmail*need to extra monitor
Hurting themselves and people around
Lack of focussing
Strong will

Those traits is bring out frustrated,annoyed and exhausted for both parties involved.. however, if you know how to turn those traits into positive way.. you seriously will surprise  how good and skills they are..

So.. i can tell myself i can't endure it anymore. I hate myself evenmore when i have to face all those sick environment.. so yesterday is my 4th day crying after a long long time did'nt cried.. i hate that even more.. but a heart felt more relieved.. my eyes did'nt hold any pain of tears.. 

I just want to rest.. and have a long long long rest..


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