i still remember the day.. about 10 years ago.. or 15 year? when i was high school.. how playful i am.. everyday i came late to school.. if the clock not showing to 7.30am then i still not in the class.. back 3years i still do the same in college.. and back than of course was more double trouble.. during the second minute left.. my brain.. my heart beating that too fast.. but the day after then i still do the same.. again.. back then i do not feel any bebefits to come early to school.. yes unless i am responsible for clean the class or whatsoever.. when i'm late i try to enter using the canteen door.. and i still remember the canteen bos that i call as Abah who help me during those difficult time.. And now i should try to learn myself again.. alone , i must to be better than yesterday and hoping that each day is the day that i will improving my self.. and tomorrow is the day.. i will call as teacher.. the career that i had never dream on.. and now i have think of getting wake up early morning.. have some exercise and go to school.. this routine is not anymore call as playful student but now i am a teacher..
k.fatin as senior share this doa to me..
"aku keluar utk pergi mendidik dan menuntut ilmu...mohon agr sntiasa dipermudahkn segala urusan.."
Ya Allah izinkan aku dan ajarkan aku untuk belajar dari anak anak syurgaMu.. tenangkan hatiku.. tabahkan semangatku.. jangan biar aku mengalah .. tetapkan hatiku.. ringankan lidahku mataku tanganku telingaku kakiku dan hatiku hanya untuk yang baik baik saja Ya Allah.. Ya Allah jadikan hari hariku adalah hari yang baik dan bermanfaat.. Aamiin Ya Rabb alamin...