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Thursday, February 26, 2015

the conflict between a friend to another friend

just now listened to a friend another story.. the conflicted between 3 sahabat.. hmm.. i have been there.. in the situation.. but in different experience..and i know how much the pain..

from the past i got the morale.. i believe and try as best as i can to hold  the prinsip of forgive everyday and every second of my breath.. and i try.. sebanyak and sekecil kuman sekalipun.. i want to try my best.. i dont want to repeat the same things again.. for today and upcoming day.. i just wish and want to create so many good things and memory.. everytime i flashback the time.. tears always came down.. nobody is wrong.. its just a things that everyone need to accept the weak and kelebihan of each other.. and kalau kita still rasa sakit.. kita kena cepat heal.. so sakit tu xmelarat.. and kalau kita jaga hati kita dari terasa sakit... kita xakan sakit..  marah kita.. cuba reduce slowly.. sakit kita biar kita share.. supaya kesalahan xakan berulang..and i will keep trying..

even now.. everytime i feel hurt.. i keep to not take to deep.. i cry and marah sangat2 and then after.. i will just fine.. im not keep it anymore..

setiap dari kita.. we have different experience.. the road that we choose also could be different.. apatah lagi sikap kita.. accept each other and perbaiki diri to be better.. not to anyone else but just for own benefits..

berkawan beribu belum tentu sorang dapat tolong kita.. berkawan sorang belum tentu selamanya.. berkawan bertiga belum tentu xda y xterluka..
yang penting kita jaga hati kita..alone will be such pathetic, so even or odd number of friend sekalipun xkan effect.. bila kita jaga hati kita dari tidak rasa sakit.. insyaallah it would be fine.. and great things to be remember..

and we hv problem or situation that really hard and we need our friend to help.. we cannot and never ever expect our friend can help us in return.. they might have their own things to do.. if we do nicest things to them.. that is what might help us later without we never realize..and when we do something.. we do what we like and follow what our heart say.. biar ikhlas.. so that.. in future.. we wont keep talk.. if no then say no.. if yes then okay.. be flexible..

biar jadi macam semut hitam atas batu hitam di malam yang gelap -,-

Ya Allah,semoga yang indah indah saja..


Wednesday, February 25, 2015


5 years more to go to 2020.. during childhood that year will be fly car fly motorcycle fly bus fly shoes fly like doreamon talikopter.. ehhh berjaya kaa? y ada cuma produksi novel cintan cintun dan movie cintan cintun...
now im in the bus to putrajaya.. feeling tired uhh..but then, still this bus is more better compare the other.. i got seat 32A the last seat but still comfortable.. got wifi.. got two tv at front and back.. mutiara bus is suggested to you people... uhh however now is jammed because of everyone back for chinese new year.. uhh feeling tired..not yet breakfast or lunch.. grrrr stomach feeling empty.. i need something -,- bas ni x stop kaaaa? 😖😖😖

Sunday, February 22, 2015

infinity thanks-mom

mom thank you for your gifts.. thank you for your understanding.. infinity thanks.. infinity love to you mom ������


Thursday, February 19, 2015

in Return

at 10.30 am.. mom giving me money and told to buy a new laptop (i ask sis to accompany and send my laptop to format.. and at that time.. sis is suggested to buy a new laptop).. actually this is what i wanted the most since my first year at collegue.. but then i have thinking of something else.. -,- im sorry for being ungrateful.. somehow and sometime.. when you are losing something that belong to you.. that will turn your heart breaking into a pieces.. and then fly all over the world.. the brain is control by the angry and the mood is control by dissapointed and emotionally... mom thank you.. -,-

i know i should be grateful.. i know about that very well.. when i am angry.. showing dissapointed or such tanttrum.. i just worried and thinking about money.. i tried to be saving and less of using money.. i did not want to ask.. if just still fine then i would just use them.. but after one and one.. this give me a lot of headache.. laptop is crazy and i have lot of work to do.. and then your buddies (phone) was sick because of you are not being careful.. even if in the minds said.. if just i stay at home and sleep.. but then and after all.. its in my hand..its just some kind of sad feeling which your phone turn out to be broken and its show how unappreciated you are.. the phone is giving by sister.. and its happened like this -,- .. in fact im sorry...

i still want to ask for nicest thing. . great things.. and Allah giving me this.. is this also challenge for me? from the most strongest human in the world.. Allah just left me a small pieces challenge.. and i should be thankful.. even though this mind still feeling sick by seeing this crack... yesterday i'm losing but in return i'm to get a new one's.. thank you Allah.. Thank you mom.. and sorry sister.. your gift.. i will using as long as i could use.. and i'm sorry niece for being that evil.. its just a way for showing how madly i am..

Ya Allah, semoga yang indah indah saja ^^..


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


1st things what i did not told just now is about my laptop.. i did not know what happen.. just then last few weeks the delete button seem crazier..and my submit research that has been check by my lecturer also still not arrived.. missing in action.. i don't know where the documents go (pos malaysia).. things that seem more complicated and stressful when my second internship at bandar baru bangi.. and was like errrr.. i dont know where is it???  and when i asked about where to stay and so on its look like nothing can help..  talk to mom or dad? ermm.. alone and i feel alone.. then i have to walk alone from kl shah alam(internship workshop) and talk to my lecturer(Alhamdulillah sir was helping) and straight to bangi.. again im alone.. i have to take a cab.. and what i plan is taking a train( erl putrajaya- ktm bangi )and my friend or shall i say a new roomate will came and pick up me there.. but then.. sis said (bil xdpt dihubungi).. i should just took a cab from putrajaya to bangi..  again i refuse like i am the most strong girl in the world.. then in a cab i ask about the fee.. the driver also said the same thing which is send me straight to bandar baru bangi.. the original plan was from ktm bangi but because im early and she's odw to bangi then i ask the driver to drop me at pkns bangi.. and actually why i did that because the driver call his friend and ask about his place and talk about 'keris' and scary things.. i do feel some insecure and took a decision to stop at pkns bangi... i think its better...  but then unfortunately she text me and said her sis car is full already and request me to took a cab from pkns bangi.. oh God.. i do feeling too much down (macam nak terjun bangunan 20 tingkat.. ok TIPU-,-) about 2 hours wondering alone there.. i took kfc as breakfast and stay there alone and too much miserable.. at the same time they played a sentimental song and those make me feel more alone and alone.. (tears getting fall)(red eyes)... then i turn on wifi button and open dramaload web to watching korean drama 'healer'.. ohhh too much miserable alone....ok.. tetiba the mind said i need a boyfriend!!! after 2 part in episode 18 i stop watching.. i took my two luggage and again walking to find a cab -,- seriously im all alone!!!  and tett tett tett..... i arrived at my new room..place.. that was a flat.. and the house is the highest peak.. and there is no lift!!! omg!! kuruslah mak -,-
but then luckily the house is so-so just fine.. but what i like the most is my room have a cupboard and i have my own bed.. ohh yeayy!! however, the room temperature is too hot!!! hmm -,-
and now is thinking about my research, laptop and thinking about what was happened to my duos is actually more heart breaking!!! ohh i can't breath!! oh pleaseee -,-


samsung grand duos screen crack

im not feeling really good.. sakit hati because of two things.. 1st thing is about that.. and second things is about if i did not going to pick up her.. but if just im being careful..my phone is still fine.. easy to talk like redho but the one who felt was me! the money to repair would be me! and money is the main problem here! ya allah.. i know i might being wrong.. but i cant stand to be like pure... i felt angry! too much angry inside this body! i felt of to scream all over my body and i know that was totally wrong!! i should let it go.. thing that happen is already happened! i wish for the nice things.. i hope for the great things! but this is lease thing that Allah want me to be SABAR... and i know i keep losing.. but this is dugaan i have to keep facing it again and again and i dont know till when...
Ya Allah, semoga yang indah indah saja^^

Sunday, February 15, 2015

playful student and i am a teacher

i still remember the day.. about 10 years ago.. or 15 year? when i was high school.. how playful i am.. everyday i came late to school.. if the clock not showing to 7.30am then i still not in the class.. back 3years i still do the same in college..  and back than of course was more double trouble.. during the second minute left.. my brain.. my heart beating that too fast.. but the day after then i still do the same.. again.. back then i do not feel any bebefits to come early to school.. yes unless i am responsible for clean the class or whatsoever.. when i'm late i try to enter using the canteen door.. and i still remember the canteen bos that i call as Abah who help me during those difficult time.. And now i should try to learn myself again.. alone , i must to be better than yesterday and hoping that each day is the day that i will improving my self.. and tomorrow is the day.. i will call as teacher.. the career that i had never dream on.. and now i have think of getting wake up early morning.. have some exercise and go to school..  this routine is not anymore call as playful student but now i am a teacher..
k.fatin as senior share this doa to me..

"aku keluar utk pergi mendidik dan menuntut ilmu...mohon agr sntiasa dipermudahkn segala urusan.."
Ya Allah izinkan aku dan ajarkan aku untuk belajar dari anak anak syurgaMu.. tenangkan hatiku.. tabahkan semangatku.. jangan biar aku mengalah .. tetapkan hatiku.. ringankan lidahku mataku tanganku telingaku kakiku dan hatiku hanya untuk yang baik baik saja Ya Allah.. Ya Allah jadikan hari hariku adalah hari yang baik dan bermanfaat.. Aamiin Ya Rabb alamin...


Saturday, February 14, 2015

2 things student scared

there are two things the students scared the most ..
first - fail
second - cant get A's
i wish to say thanks to everyone who help me during my 1st practical nursery time..
infinity thanks
1. mom and dad
2. siblings
3. niece and nephew
millions thanks
1. my tons of click
2. my senior and kakak2 (k.siha,k.ayuni,k.fatin,k.eda and halah)
3. click and partner cik sukma
special thanks
the nursery children (my 1st batch of student-children-21 toddlers)
a lot of thanks
nursery principle and staffs
supervisor and lecturers
and now.. again.. i scared of two things back -,- ... i hope of every second of good news and good things.. Ya, Allah semoga yang indah indah saja...

14 february 2016

Monday, February 9, 2015

waking me up Allah

if i could stop the time from moving.. and unfortunately im not born with the speciality... ������ i just love my life now.. waking from sleep..get breakfast for me and baby and yuyu.. and then watching movie.. sleep back.. lunch me baby and yuyu.. watching again.. get food for baby and yuyu.. playing with aaihh or acad if they came.. meal time with some snack and get fight with amalin.. order for dinner.. watching tv.. nothing doing nothing.. just cool and relax.. but then after all i know this life is getting to tough.. ignore and keep relax is someting that should not be anymore.. this brain is too comfortable just like the heart is.. ya allah... the brain and the heart still want to ignore the reality is.. waking up me Allah and keep me survive Allah so i could do anything challenge me infront.. semoga yang indah indah saja... Aamiin..


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