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Friday, March 21, 2014

SPM result


hmm setelah sekian lama.. xupdate new post.. 7 years past.. macam macam dah dilalui.. samada kecik.. besar.. pendek..tinggi..gemuk..kurus.. kiri.. kanan..depan..belakang..atas.. bawah.. a lot and many things that i have face..

my result would be really bad at the time.. back then, when i looked on how i am thinking last 7years.. how thousand tears that have been drop little by little or non stop crying or keep crying.. it's just the way i am.. i keep silent my mouth.. i keep my voice.. countless gold in my mouth.. everyone said it's just SPM.. to comfort me.. but deep heart they are frustrated.. And me.. having a complicated feeling..

yesterday.. SPM result came out.. and today i remember those day when i was 17++ years old.. the day when i found out my friend become success with their own achievement.. their hardworking worth.. their smiling face to the ears.. And me just someone that look really fail.. pretend to smile and words to please own self and congratulation the friend who success.. all word become one.. jealously sad angry afraid shy.. everyday become really tiresome and stressful..

yesterday.. there are some of the candidate would have the same feeling as mine.. or maybe better than mine.. and i know the feeling when the result was not like as what the dream should draw..

Dear SPM canditate 2013..
 i wish that you are strong than me.. your emotion.. your feeling.. don't be much in pain.. don't be hurt.. keep moving.. keep believing that there will be a place for you too doing something meaningful in your life.. there is still many alphabet can you go or make a choice.. if you fail for the first, second or third alphabet. then there are still have C, D, E to Z..  you may choose any alphabet.. once you choose the alphabet then make it the best as you can..

the best as you can! what i means here not like you are pressure yourself to be the best.. to please everybody.. but through your day as a meaningful day.. not like you can't be lazy but you need to double your hardworking when you are lazy.. not like that you can't go to travel, eating, sleeping, shopping, listening,watching but the way you through your day and enjoy your every little things with grateful..

keep your target, mission.. not a big one.. just a small one and someday the little target will help you to achieve your big one.... you may dream.. but keep moving even if it's just 1cm.. the moving will longer and longer and believe the day.. the good day will came to you..

today, i am not yet a person who are success or reward as best student.. till now i never had.. because i know i am better than anyone.. but today i am the one who will proud my self if i got 1cm improved.. it is just the only way that i can motivate myself to be better, improve our self to be better and one good day will came to us..   i you or us who are had fail.. do not feel inferior.. love yourself.. proud yourself.. ignore cruel word from other and take the only positive one.. any negative word that came please take as a grant. please look forward and do better.. tell yourself that you can do it well and well you can do it!

keep doing this.. 

anyway.. i am congratulation to all the candidate that have been success today.. don't stop yet.. there are still many things that you have to face.. this lives.. today is challenging.. you might be fall in anytime.. watch your step.. and go forward.. run to your ambition..

you have done your best! i am congratulation  to you people who are really work hard and try your best.. you are worth to get that!


1 comment

March 31, 2014 at 12:39 AM

poning kepala nak cerita pasal spm nih

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