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Monday, February 27, 2017

Heal your heart

For those has been hurt.. hopefully you could get fight again..
I hv once lose some1 in a past.. and later another one and one with quite same situation because i hv high ego that anyone can't deny even myself.. i have been hurt twice.. for not give in and for not forgive.. anyone can judge and names me anything. Once i really felt in so much pain.. ignoring is my bestfriend terrible therapy.. and hating people is the best thing to comfort myself back.. this is sure seriously bad attitude.. but.. these are the only thing i can do to fight and survive for mental balancing with bouncy mood.. yet for now...reading some motivational quotes is the other way too heal the heart.. seriously i did not want to hold anything but i just can't.. trying to forget that much only make the memories stronger.. and that will makes the heart keep hating as well.. 
Yes. Im not such a good person.. which can easily said...it's okay.. nope.. not anymore.. and never.. im not wise but would never allowed people to using me..
Sorry..u will hear those when i am really sorry.. for one to thousand wrong... i won't repeat and seek for you to forgive me..u won't see my tears...i did'nt hv empathy and even sympthy when you cry infront of me.. im sorry but i don't hv that heart.. if you see me cry.. then that really breaks me.. and that would be even harder to get me back..
So.. that is all in a past.. today i am even harder.. do not talk about sorry or forgive.. when you don't even know your wrong.. do not repeat your sorry when you still do the next time.. because that is all irritating and annoyed me damn much..
I am too far away from to be better person.. difficult road is keep challenge me..  and if that make my heart heal and stronger.. then i won't mind to have it again over time.


Thursday, February 23, 2017


Kawan. X.

1st.If you are really someone close up to future bride or groom. In any circumtances. U will be invited. Xsalah pun nak invite. Your big day kot.. Either she or he go or not tuu belakang kira la kan.. lain la u is not listed because u r like halimunan. Wujud dan xwujud tu macam xdirasai. Masa perlu tu wujud la kot.. nah gituuu..

2nd. Dah di invite tp xpergi. Kau ni dah kenapa? cubalah pergi dan rapatkan saf. Mana tau jumpa jodoh masa tu..

3rd.kau memang plan baik punya. Nanti kawan kau or X kau kahwin.. kau nak juga attend.. tp tetiba kau punya hal dan masalah y kau xdapat nak elak.. kau punya perasaan bersalah tu nauzubillah.. tambah2 pula kau punya wedding kawan kau datang.. siap jadi AJK lagi. X. wahyu xturun dan kau xdianugerahkan dengan semangat yang kental. Makanya. Kedua2nya past just like that..

4th.kau sebagai kawan or X. Xpayah la nk terasa hati sangat kalau xdijemput. Kau ingat sikit.. kerja kahwin ni bukan macam pergi order KFC dan dah siap makan balik. Jadi kau permudahkanlah dan doakan kebahagiaan mereka dalam diam. Kan suci gtuu.. X.. dia xinvite kau tu mungkin ada 2 sebab.. xnak kau tambah sakit hati atau takut tgh2 bersanding- dia terjatuh cinta balik..haha..

5th.kau sejenis kawan or X yang xpernah xpergi kalau dijemput. Makan free kot.. dan kau punya bad habit nak stay all the time with the bride. Sikit2 ajak selfie. Sampai dalam album kahwin tu muka kau lagi banyak.. X.. hhihi.. kau punya muka lagi banyak dari perantin.. melampau betul..


P/s:Selamat pengantin baru kawan bangladesh saya.. terima kasih masih mengingati saya.. hihihihi..

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hair boy cut style

Almost a month i use to it with my hair boy cut style.. and i don't know where the courage come when i decided to cut my hair into like that with so many flaws!.. i just want to live different and leave all those hurting memories i had.. i wish to heal all the pain.. i wish to be a new.. time past.. i realize.. cut all the things we had does not mean i could cut all those bad things aside.. because the scars is still remain..even though i still trying to live to the fullest.. on how much i tried to control myself to do not easily hate people and annoying with small matters.. that the most difficult task to do when im still in healing process.. that require me to stay positive all the time..


Maka ya tuhan.. kau tetapkan hatiku.. tunjukkan aku jalan y benar.. dan berikan aku kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat.. perkenankan doaku ini Ya Allah.


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