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Sunday, July 31, 2016


Bahan-bahan ikan gelama bakar

1. ikan gelama
2. kunyit hidup
3.bawang putih
4.lada hitam
5. halia

blend//smash kesemuanya. sis suka blend sebab dapat banyak dan sis malas nak tumbuk setiap kali guna.. hihihi.. dah siap semua tu.. boleh la diperap dan dibakar :)

Bahan-bahan sup

1.halia muda
2. lobak putih
3. lada hitam
6.sedikit garam

boil kan jer semuanya dalam periuk.. dah siap.. hehe

sis elak guna minyak.. nama lagi pantang :P
buah oren bagus untuk penghadaman




      1. Ikan Selar 1 ekor 
      2. Halia 5cm
      3. Bawang merah 1 biji
      4. Bawang putih 3 biji
      5.Lada Hitam
      6. Lobak putih
      9. 1 cawan air
     10. Garam (sedikit sjh)


     1. Mula-mula ikan tu basuh la kasi bersih. Buang insang semua. (baru pandai :P)
2. Dah bersih ikan tu, lumurkan dia dengan secubit garam. (biarkan seketika)
3. Potong halia, Potong nipis je baru sedap (Halia muda yer)
4. Potong nipis lobak putih.
5. Tumbuk bawang merah dan putih.
6. Masukkan ikan dalam bekas tahan panas dan kukus sampai masak.

oh yerr.. crush kan sedikit black paper.


ni resepi pantang jadi banyaklah kurang dari segi rasa tapi penuh khasiat originality dari rasa segar bahan-bahan yang digunakan.:P

Halia baik untuk pembuangan angin dalam badan. tetapi tidak digakkan penggunaan 2 minggu awal bagi bayi kuning.
Lobak putih boleh mempercepatkan dan memperbanyakkan susu ibu.


PRODUCT REVIEW| philips iron steamer


this is hot nowadays.. so many women look like to persuade their partner to buy this as her gifts..

wohooo.. sapa tak nak mak oiii?

steamer iron.. tekan sekali imbas jer baju dah makk aii berkilat tak boleh nak habaq..

jom servey.. ada banyak dijual online.. tapi xsalah kalau nak try beli terus dari web amazon.. wehheee..

apa lagi jom la surveyy mak hang pak hang kak hang :)


Monday, July 25, 2016

yuyu dan baby| resepi makanan kucing


1. Ikna Selayang rebus
2. Nasi 
3. Lobak Merah


tumbuk kesemuanya :P


Yuyu| first generation-mati

sedih tak terkata :'( 

yuyuThecat first generation


FAIZ|simple volcano experiment



next post, i will share how to do the experiment..
bye.. goodnight <3


Sunday, July 17, 2016

Surah An-Naba

Setiap kali kecewa datang
Setiap kali resah timbul
Setiap kali rindu bertandang
Setiap kali marah membara
Setiap kali hati membeku
Setiap kali mulut ingin mencarut
Setiap kali benci meletup

I turn to An-Naba..
I want to trust Allah..
I want to feel Allah is always there and One with the power..
I want to cry badly..

So i don't forget Him as my creator..
So i can keep my head straight..
So i don't growing up my hatred..
So i could calm a while..
So i could control again my hatred..
So i could slow down my thought of better than anyone..
So i kept silent myself..

I fall in love to Surah An-Naba
When i was randomly open the Al-Quran.. it was truly hurting and An-Naba heal the small crash..


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Woman and jewelry

Every Raya.. mom will call us and wear us a set of jewelry.. and every year i refuse to wear them.. i did not like to wear earrings.. soon my earpiece will swollen and red.. i feel uncomfortable to wearing things.. heavy and annoying.. from time to time.. i start to like them.. but that won't last.. i keep it away over again after a few days past..

Jewelry mean a lot to a women.. no matter you are have a little money or not.. no matter you wearing them or not.
They have a value and memories.. my mom love jewelry so much.. i know how much she adore all her things.. and i once had a promise to myself to buy her one.. one fine day.. but i could not..
Ya Allah, please get my mom all the luxury she could not have here.. Ya Allah, my mom is the best mom.. she is my number one but yet i could not even help her repaid her back.. i have so many wrong.. i have so many lack i could not afford to fight myself yet.. 

when seeing a scene how much this little girl adore the jewelry.. i am impressed.. and more than that.. i miss my mom really much..  jewelry remind me of my mother.. jewelry plant a memories between my mother and i..

ohh.. tips nak emas berkilat kena brush dengan toothpaste.. mom always do this.. 


Thursday, July 7, 2016

marah tidak hilang benci tidak padam

sesekali perasaan ini mungkin dah rasa okay.. tapi bila perasaan menyampah coming in mind.. again.. i know, you could not afford to forget so to forgive..  i know you have no more heart.. i know you are the hater.. i know you exactly stubborn.. easily get annoyed.. easily get angry.. and i know you have no more peace.. i know you hate yourself even more and how could you forget things easily?? when you did not even can't forgive yourself..

Hari raya yang perlu diraikan.. Ramadhan yang penuh keberkatan dan bulan pengampunan.. tapi kenapa kau tidak punya rasa apa-apa? Ya Allah.. bila kau tidak rasa cinta dan kasih ALLAH.. mungkin sebenarnya kau tidak cukup ikhlas dan redha.. 


when you lost some one you dearly love? and in your mind you want to forget that your dearly has gone.. you can't accept the qada and and qadar.. while you know Allah is real and HE own the power.. a heart has break into puzzle and you could not find a piece that you lost.. you keep coming forth and back.. 

you are trying hard to hide your haters feeling when you have another person you dearly love to care with.. but meanwhile,, the part of your bad side is growing each second.. even you have intention to hurt another people who have no wrong in your situation.. you get annoyed easily with voice, character, same like face and any small mistake that they did all is worst to you.. and you want to spell.. you want to curse them.. how bad is your situation when you can't even control what is right and wrong.. 

not yet... not yet to forget easily.. not yet to forgive easily.. not yet to pretend nothing happens until the person know what is the meaning of loss!! 

kau pergi bawa hati yang hidup..
hati yang mati bersama..
cuma nanti boleh berharap..
secebis hati lain masih hidup 
untuk percaya pada tuhan..


kalau boleh keluar dari rumah.. i know you want too.. kalau boleh tidak jumpa orang i know, you want too.. kalau boleh to stand for your words.. KAU gembira.. it how you want to against and how much you hate yourself right now.. you want to cry so much but look like you could not.. there is no tears.. and i know how hurt inside.. it's really sick inside seriously..  i know how much you want to curse .. so you kept silent.. 

a pretend smile to cover all of your hate feel.. a celebration happened when you still have one and only your love is.. a pure happiness comes when you have an angel heart around..  then why you have to ignore the people still care for you love you for your a haters feelings.. however again,, forth and back.. that so-so feel won't last long.. a missing is there and you still incomplete.. your hate come back and you can't afford to control your feelings.. 

sampai satu saat kau rasa apa itu sakit kehilangan

Love and Hate,

Friday, July 1, 2016

Nasi hujan panas

Mom.. i miss you.. and i really miss you..

It just only u.. 
Mom.... i am craving your nasi hujan panas.. the best happy rice you made for us..  i know i could never had anymore.. not only this but so many things.. so mom.. oldest sis made this nasi hujan panas.. except the rice colour.. it was not like what you made.. because of i could not wait.. i really miss you..  i want see the rainbow rice.. looklike you were here and a rainbow left a sweet memories i could never forget.. 

I miss you..
Syawal yang tiada rasa


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