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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jom Sihat Bersama~

huhuhu..the past day were just go like rain down to earth. I just spent my past days to be a volunteer.
For me it was a nice things that i want always to be. This time i'd become a volunteer for a 
" Jom Sihat Bersama" 

What must i do for my duty as a volunteer is play with a kids. there's a lot of games and present for them who joined the games.I still remember their happiness,their laugh,their screaming and yelling,their spirit and fighting to get the gift what were prepered for them.. i remember all those thing what most i liked.hahaha.. im wishing that one fine days i will meet them again.we'll plays again and enjoyed it again together.

The other activities that i involved are jumble sale.I did not know how the situation when the villagers come to the station but i know all the things that have been prepared for sell with the lowest price attract many buyers to have one at least. Then i know This station volunteer are done their duty 85% succsessfully.

some of volunteer was assigned to help some of people to cook for a breakfast,lunch and dinner time.At 
the first time i see this kind of duty i know im not interested at all
i did not choose this duty to be a volunteer 
cause i know im not a good in cooking but im truly greatest in eating and trying the taste of food..bhaha :D

The one that i still remember till the day is when i broke my promise.i was not intentionally breake my promise but the fear pervades my heart and the fearless not away from me. It was just same like last years.even i had said i want do that but when the time comes and when i see the all thing.The fear come to me straight forward without my permission. God i want share my blood to people who needed but i did not have the courage to do that.that was my weakness. i was afraid of needles and blood.i was scares of medicines.I just hope all the fearless will blow like winds and do not touch and dare to stop my heart from do that...

the picture that i snap:
this pic credit to akmal

 Thanks to my friend akmal who invited me to join them.and Fully thanks for sakinah who approved me as one of their volunteer. Last but not least thanks to all akmal friends who accompany me during the camp.
 i am really appreciated it :)
 oryaa, i almost forgot to say sorry for hasib.sorry for not pick up ur called then sorry too cause untill now im not reply back ur called. As always,,i will miss u till we meet again One Fine Day!Ngeeee :^,~


July 5, 2011 at 2:58 PM

hahhaaa...w0w...lurve it dear....welc0me..we enj0y da camp rite!!!..<3<3

July 7, 2011 at 6:56 PM

nice n3 :D

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