728 x 90
Tempah Tapak Iklan Tempah Tapak Iklan Tempah Tapak Iklan Tempah Tapak Iklan Tempah Tapak Iklan

Sunday, July 31, 2011

kemarahan melampau harus ditapis sebelum niat puasa esok hari!!!!!!

baso banganggggg!!!!! mu nihh wat sakit hatiii aku sokmo diyhhh!!!!

 pelikkk ak nga mu niyhhh..nk yibukkk hall ak bapooo?????

 hal ank mu xyohh cerito katkuu laaaa..xyohhhh dukk ceritoo laaaaaa!!!!!

 pahh hal anokk ore lainnn pun mu xyohh duk ceritoo ko ak ko,,ko mok ak ko,,ko adik beradik aku ko...

ak xsei tauuuu!!!!! nakk yibukkkk halll ore!!! nak tauuu pasa oreee!!!

kotsukaa tii laaa weiiii!!!! muu niih supo radio gerokkk..tv gerokkk..surat kabar gerokkk!! 

japp ak kecikk pahh besaaa subo serbiii mu nok tauuu pasa ak diyhh,,mu deki gapooo weiiiii????????


ak beciii anokk mung!!!

 akuu becii anokk beranokkkk mu!!!!!!!

 mu jago adikk beradikkkk mung tuhhh jange duk wi merempattt kotseiii!!! 

xyohh nyibuk hall ore!!!! seriouslyyyyy akkk beciii mu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!

muka bila marah akan nampak huduhhh!!! ak dah malass dah nk berjiwang2 nak marahhh!!
hahhh lantakk ko laaaahhh!!!

esop puasa,,ak nak yang terbaik dalam bulan ramadhan..jd ko janganlahh jadi penyebab pengurangg pahala ak nanti dan segala pahala yang patut ak terima pergi bergolek-golek kat ko!!
xhingin ak!!

ak cuma harap ko berhentila dari kerjaya ko sekarang..klo dah berminat sangat ko g la buat ttemujanji ngn hot fm ka,muzik fm ka..hah jd radio tuu!!!! xyoh ko nak jd radio bergerak pulak dr rumah ka rumahhh!!!!!!

-te amo Hada-

Saturday, July 30, 2011

ouhhh can i say,,please buy for me one?

nike airmax 87 

Nike acg wildwood safari

first image buat saya terlompat2 dan tergedik2.. saya nak..saya nak..saya nak..please buy for me!! ngeeee.. then saya belek lagi belek lagi dan saya jumpa image y second ni..OH MY GOD!!!! i truly want this shoes!!
anyone please buy for me?? pleasee???

huhuhu..then saya mula kefikiran bahawa tiada siapa lah yang ingin belikan untuk saya,,maka dengan ini saya mengambil keputusan untuk semadikan kasut ini ddalam blog ini dahuluan agar saya boleh senantiasa menatap keindahan kehandsomeman kasut ini!!!..huhhuhu..

tapi,,saya tidak akan berputus asa..hihihi


one fine day,,

this handsome shoes going to be mine!!!!!
ingin berpromise kah???

-te amo Hada-

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ratu The Movie

as i think..this story like as my imagine..ngeee~
prof dr madya,,saya rasa saya boleh jadi pengarah filem macam prof lah!! kakakaka

aku dah dapat agak apa yang cerita ni nak sampaikan bila dia bawak ratu-ratu yang xjadi ratu ni lagi masuk dalam hutan.dan bila satu-satu dari ratu ni hilang dan buat perangai yang annoying gila...
aku dah agak dah yang dia mencari Ratu yang bukan ratu ini :::


bagi aku cerita ni best kalau aku xtahu dan jalan cerita dia terpesong dari apa yang aku fikirkan.
tp pepun,ak tetap suka cerita ni..iihihihi..cerita ni tetap ada nilai-nilai yang kita boleh ambil sebagai panduan dan pengajaran...terima kasih prof madya..

orang tengah enak dibuai mimpi saya(kata ganti diri sopan) lak enak mengomen ngomen cerita prof kan.. ihihihi..kalau saya dapat agak jalan cerita ratu belum tentu saya dapat terbit cerita ratu prof..
jadi kesimpulan yang dapat saya buat kan prof di pagi hari ini saya sedar
antara saya dan prof sudah tentu2 lah prof lebih bergaya..kakakaka

k la saya dah mula rasa mengantuk lah prof..nampaknya juga saya sudah seperti burung hantu prof..
bila agaknya saya boleh menjadi seperti prof yang bergaya..korang2 nak tengok cerita prof?
ok tekan te amo

dalam khayalan:
te amo Hada

Monday, July 18, 2011

sekali lagi

wah saya dah abis tengok dah cite ni!!! xtengok kat panggung pun tengok kat rumah jerkk..
yaaarkk bestt lahhhhh..dan best..
mia sara sangat comel.kalau xde mia sara tentu cite nie xbest kot..bhahaha..
xkot..eheheehe..lisa ngan sam wahhh sangat secocok gituu..

korang nak tengok gak cite ni? saya download kat sini tau te amo.. ihihihi.. jum la 
korang tengok gak..download dlu baru tengok tau..kalu xkorang xrasa kepuasan cerita ni..
ihihihihi.. bye bye.. selamat menonton =)

te amo Hada

Nur kasih the movie

nak tengok cite ni? ok go to te amo.. korang boleh tengok boleh download dari situ yah...
ai pun bolum tgk lg..ngeee,,tgh download skrng ni..
ramai kata cite ni kurang best..sbb drama dia best kot dorang kata macam ni..
hihihihi..tp ada ramai gak kata best..kakak ai kata best..so atas pandangan masing2 la kan..
tima kasih pada tuan punya download cite ni kat youtube yah..

jum layan tema lagu nur kasih

te amo Hada

Sunday, July 17, 2011

:::Apam te amo:::


3 biji telur sejuk dari peti ais(Gred A)
275 gm tepung gandum + 3 sudu teh baking powder = diayak sekali
1 sudu kecil ovelette 
220 gm gula halus
150 ml susu segar
inti - blueberry::strawberry::kaya atau apa2 saja
1 sudu esen vanilla
pewarna ikut citarasa

Cara -caranya: 

1) pukul telur putih sampai kembang
2) kemudian masukkan ovelette, kuning telur dan esen vanilla - pukul sampai kembang lagi.
3) pastu masukkan gula..pukul sampai kembang lagi.
4) masukkan tepung + baking powder selang seli dengan susu (masa ni kacau dengan senduk je.. bukan dengan mixer.
5) bahagikan adunan kepada beberapa bahagian dan titiskan pewarna

6) masukkan setiap warna dlm piping bag @ plastik bersih
7) picit adunan ke dalam mangkuk kertas
8) letakkan inti - nak senang masuk dlm plastik pastu picit-tu kalau nak letak inti..kalau xnak pun xpe..
9) picitkan lagi adunan yang sama sehingga penuh = kemudian dot-dot kan dengan warna pilihan
10) kukus 10-15 minit


~te amo hada~

Saturday, July 16, 2011

P'lal dan P'tul

finally abis gak tonton lakurn nie..ish3..xsangka cite lakurn nie agak best jugak tau..heroin dia lak mmg gila sweets dan cantik...hero lakurn p'tul xhensem sgt..Ngeee ^^, tp watak y dia bawa tu nmpk macho gila..hihihi..tp kesian P'lal y menantikan kata "Proong nee gor ruk ter" hihihi..

actly cite thailand not so bad,,mmg best!! aku kasi 360 peratus markah penuh =)

korang nak tengok gak cita ni?? ok p jenguk link te amo.... korang boleh la layan cite ni sampai lunyaii ya..hihihi.. aku suggest kat korang,korang download dulu "internet download manager" sebelum tengok cite ni..sbb kalau tgk dekat link yang ak kasi tu terus..korang akan rasa bahangnya kebosanan..ngeee ^^,

Ok la,,ak cin cau dulu..selamat menonton :)

~te amo Hada~

365 Days of Love


Monday, July 11, 2011



Saturday, July 9, 2011

how can i pass jpj test~teheeee!!

Most people have secrets which only they or themselves know. This includes fears, likes and dislikes. 
but i just did not care to share my secret with you all..bhahaha..(gelak jahat)

let me go straight to the topic..ngeheee..

1- Slope test the most that i nervous and fear...

google pic

Approximately 150 – 200 candidates sit for their Practical Test for cars (Kelas D) in most institutes each week.so can u imagine how many would not pass the test??? like at the institute that  i'd learned before as an example, some 25 – 30% of candidates Fail their slope test. These candidates will then have to repeat this portion of their test at least after two month. This is not only wastes ur Time but ur money too.think about it?? With this short tips it is hoped will assist some of u candidates to go through this problem situation of the test.If u fail to go up the slope, then a candidate is considered as having Failed. He or she will then be disallowed to proceed to the “Side Parking” and “3 Point Turn” aspect of the test.By the way,failing this section, does not mean u have failed the entire test. u will then proceed for Part 3 of the practical test, which is the Jalan Raya Test.

my sir tips~a.yen~

u are given 3 minutes.So no need to be rush.calm ur self the go smoothly.
One should also bear in ur mind before go to the slope test is,the tyres should be reach the yellow lines a 100%, 75% or 50% to secure a Pass. u are given a second chance if u are failed at the first try.u are allowed to reverse down the slope up to behind the white line (starting point) to take your second chance and make sure do the best.once u reach designated yellow lines, pull up hand brake tight and put up ur Right hand.The tester will then ask ur name and ur number-will be given by ur institute.When the tester then gives u the permission to proceed up the slope, accelerate slightly(30 km/h and above its more better), leave up the clutch slowly and when the car begins to jerk, accelerate a bit more, release the hand brake and go up to the slope.

then after all,go to side parking..ngeee..i will share it later yah..cause its time for me go to sleep.
the best quality as a person in a day is she or he have a best sleep..bhahaha.. gud nite guys..

te amo hada

Friday, July 8, 2011


just want to share this song to you.
i like her voice,i like the meaning from this song.
then i hope u all be like it too.
i wish that this song will go far.
cause i fall in love with this song 

te amo hada

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

its just life~

The past few days,i felt my life kind really boring and dull.im not doing nothing.just stay at home.not working nor studying. 8 days to go then my life would change sharply. Can i say like that?? orhh..its just life...Damn i feel not enough of breath when i thinking about the matter. What to do? what will happen to me the day and the next coming day? seriously i feel really and badly tired. i dont want to thinking but my mind still roaming to be thinking. its just life...

hummphh...i dont know..there is no other words. its just life..sometime.what in our mind we can express by word.but sometime we cant...Dear God,help me to through this.God,you know what the best for yours slave.then i asking for the best from u God.what will be..then will be to me...i just hope that u always be with me and help me through all the matter with a big heart.

Hada  Te amo ^^,

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jom Sihat Bersama~

huhuhu..the past day were just go like rain down to earth. I just spent my past days to be a volunteer.
For me it was a nice things that i want always to be. This time i'd become a volunteer for a 
" Jom Sihat Bersama" 

What must i do for my duty as a volunteer is play with a kids. there's a lot of games and present for them who joined the games.I still remember their happiness,their laugh,their screaming and yelling,their spirit and fighting to get the gift what were prepered for them.. i remember all those thing what most i liked.hahaha.. im wishing that one fine days i will meet them again.we'll plays again and enjoyed it again together.

The other activities that i involved are jumble sale.I did not know how the situation when the villagers come to the station but i know all the things that have been prepared for sell with the lowest price attract many buyers to have one at least. Then i know This station volunteer are done their duty 85% succsessfully.

some of volunteer was assigned to help some of people to cook for a breakfast,lunch and dinner time.At 
the first time i see this kind of duty i know im not interested at all
i did not choose this duty to be a volunteer 
cause i know im not a good in cooking but im truly greatest in eating and trying the taste of food..bhaha :D

The one that i still remember till the day is when i broke my promise.i was not intentionally breake my promise but the fear pervades my heart and the fearless not away from me. It was just same like last years.even i had said i want do that but when the time comes and when i see the all thing.The fear come to me straight forward without my permission. God i want share my blood to people who needed but i did not have the courage to do that.that was my weakness. i was afraid of needles and blood.i was scares of medicines.I just hope all the fearless will blow like winds and do not touch and dare to stop my heart from do that...

the picture that i snap:
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