Hmm hmm...
Lama pula hihuhihu.. actly i have so many things in head to tell but it was lost when i want to clear up the mind here... huhuhu..
Now i am busy with some kind of projects, journal, RPH, RPS , ABM , worksheets.. everything that i have done in nursery was double during preschool.. its obvious tiring even though my working time is not crazy like nursery.. sometime i feel not enough of time.. rest.. but after all i am enjoying myself with the children.. the tiresome fly away when the children get this hand to kiss and this body to hug and the mouth to say good bye... i feel good then...
Im not expect to much from children.. because i still believe with each child is different and each child hv their own speciality but then.. i just pray that anything i teach them, play with them, read to them will make them acknowledge precious things even though a tinyi for each child.. i dont mind.. i want at least they learn something... insyaallah..
This journey is going to the end.. i pray that i could complete this testing really well.. i pray for a good and pretty things always appear.. Aamiin..
Ya Allah,semoga yang indah indah saja..