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Thursday, June 13, 2013

my dear friend


i'm try my friend... but please... change. take care of yourself. i know u'are tired. i know... i know u are even not enough of rest.. u're still young to die.. please..please please i beg u to take care of yourself... i'm sorry if  i can't always beside u. im scared if one day i'll be bored because of ur attitude., to listen of ur story... i'm try to not hurt you. i'm try to understand u more than i understand myself.. but i know i can't... i know i'm not a good friend to you..  but i promises that i'll try my best to be a good friends to you. do helps me..


#kadang-kadang Allah turunkan hujan didatangkan pula dengan kilat dan petir.. rupa-rupanya Allah mahu menghadiahkan pelangi nan indah....

i'll try my best to keep my positive mind toward u my friend...
may Allah bless us... 


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

"GiveAway Contest Gila Buasir Otak: 110 Juta Kenangan"

dah lama xjoin contest.. hui2....
otak pun tgh half hew.. jom join... lallala

ok perlu jawab 3 soalan..

 Pada usia berapakah yang anda paling suka sepanjang kehidupan anda? 

tiap-tiap tahun saya suka.. hihi.. masa baby lah(8 bulan gitu)... mesti kena cium kena sayang dengan semua orang.. hehe

 Apakah kenangan zaman silam (manis atau pahit) yang anda paling ingat sampai sekarang?

 first time dapat hadiah and dapat kek dr seorang kawan masa umur 10 tahun.. sampai skrng ingt "dia" and first time luka masa umur yang sama jatuh dr basikal sampai luka teruk dekat lutut.. huk3

Kalau anda diberi pilihan untuk kembali ke zaman silam, ke zaman manakah yang anda mahu pergi dan apakah yang anda ingin perbetulkan atau ubah sekiranya ada?

masa high school... sedih nak cerita... dot dot dot.. ok done..finish cerite :(

hehehe.. tujelaa... serba sedikit.. jom korang join..


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