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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ugly | fat, acne and scars

People just really forget that they also can become like the one they don't like. Without showing any regrets,  then they saying ugly things. They forgot that everything they said can actually came back to them.  Toing2 melantun balik.

What is ugly?  It would be never ending list. We can't deny. When it was ugly than it was.  People perspective view. However here is the biggest challenge in life with the struggle that need to face. Especially women.

Problem with body parts. Some people struggling with this since they are young.  Getting fat was not their choice. They don't eat a lot. But when they eat,  there will come with voice who said something like : you'r still eating?  Like so what? When they eat a very little. These people said they are on diet. Bla bla bla.  And more with another voice who will said you never lost fat. What the hell is their thought is? these people don't like your perspective of beauty and please watch your mouth when they are still nice. And there is also people who tried being nice when they (fat people) actually ask for their view. Like still want to deny. No no. You are not fat.  And plus minus telling they are the one who having obesity. Meanwhile they actually not at all. What the heck is their thought? Telling a truth is helping them to see their flaws.  But when you do body shaming that would be the real ugliest of you.

Secondly is having acne and scars on face. Beauty is flawless in physical. Thing that is real.  We can see.  We can touch and feel it.  Both men and women first falling in love is from the face. That Aura Will attract them to know more about the person. But when you don't pretty and more with scars and acne.  The possibility to attract people will lower. Then the struggle will join you to fight the challenge the person is facing. 

This world will be more scary with so many witch.  Cursing and not saying nicer things. Perspective of beauty. I Hope people grow up.  Saying nice things to people.  If they don't see nothing.  Then be quiet.

I shared the screenshot I read it from fatimah aunt and hope you and I will learn from it.




Am not good in a person.  But to be better is always the things that I want to achieve for now. And I failed. Not once. It's all over and keep turning around.  Can't you imagined how is my head doing and half half brain.  No place to stay and keep wondering. Nowhere to go until it's beating hard my heart. Yes it never can be easy or simple but surely will getting more complicated if I don't entertain myself. I know the chance of the changing and charging the positivity is  high.  Or maybe over the temperature. And I can't myself remain in the environment.

A regret feeling would never have an ending. Even if you want too.  Not to deny but to learn to pass.

I want to go away.  Far and far.  From this hectic life but actually my hectic brain.  I want to end this movie. I don't want another episode after another. It's tiring and pain in pain.

These feelings somehow eating me alive when I cannot feel my own feelings. Sometimes it's showing but more to hiding.  And empty.


Monday, August 20, 2018

Cincin craft

Rama rama terbang merata
Hisap madu dipohon bunga
Sungguh cantik aneka warna
Tapi sayang hidup tidak lama


Sunday, August 19, 2018

Syamsu. Sun


Art with fork print


Bahasa arab


Bahasa Arab (da-dijaja) ayam

Yes color it and cut the mask..
Wuhuuu.. The sound of chicken


Making dinosaur


Mengenali timun (warna air 1 jari)


Touch and feel (melt the ice)

Oh.. This cold teacher! Said dhia. Yes.. I want you feel it.. Touch it and say it to me those alphabet..you get.. 

Hide and seek alphabet using these ice berg was reall cool.. They are playing enjoying but at the same time enhance their sensory skill and remembering the letter.


Learn how to use scissors

Learning on how to use scissors can develop children fine motor skills and eye coirdination. They are buliding the hand muscle they do not use before.


U untuk Ulat (warna air)


Number 3 using tissue

Everything we need for this is our beloved children hand, paper, tissue and glue.

This simple activity is to enhance children fine motor skills. Tearing and pasting require them to develop difference skills.


Learning about name

I believe the important for kindergarten recognize, to know their own names, family and friends.  If they recognize their own name, this surely can indirectly influence their attitude and improve their self-confidence.  As a teacher.  Knowing, remembering and pronouncing their names correctly can affect their attitude and we as adult should be example for them.

I would never been agree to call someone name by a name he or she does not like.. So let a child grow up and remembered their name as someone she or he like in past. She or he appreciate. Name is just not a name. Name is given to be called nicely and appropriate way.. To all kind things we did.. To all kind things we get back.. 


Letter A using LEGO

Circle the number

The activity objective is only recognize number. 

Not writing the number. Because each child has their own pace.  Do not force the child to write when they are not ready.  Lets sharping their fine motor skills first. 

So. I found the child not even know how to make a circle. Either they do not know what is circle or not understand my question.  That why, when you give a child a question. Make short and simple. 

After showing example and asking other child friend to show how to do then it boost the child confidence to try. 

Alhamdullillah.  Now not only they recognize number but can write and count. 


Worksheet tracing

1.It develops grasp skills and fine motor skills  (a pre-cursor to writing) 

2. Can develops visual-spacial skills

3. surely makes children feel successful and boosts child confidence

5. Can gives them time to concentrate

6. boosts communication skills (talking about the image)

7.It uses both sides of the brain

Writing ABC not simple or easy peasy as you think.  You are done your part during you kid. But never force your children to write as they still not ready.  Encourage them. Do lots of fine motor skills that move their little finger. 

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