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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Akhirnya Tuan Noor Azimah Tuan Ismail dah jadi Puan Tuan...


heee... update jarang-jarang nasib baik gigi xjarang.. blog oh blog tempat luah perasaan bahagia suka dan duka.. ngeh3..

neh saya nak ucapkan selamat pengantin baru buat classmateku masa form6, tidak ku sangka akhirnya impian nya tercapai.. hebat kau Mah.. hehehe...

heee really sweet both of you :)
picture credit to photographer # boleh book tarikh untuk booking #

warna tema dia tiffany blue... my favorite colour.. uwaa!! nampak cool kan... ngee... masa wedding diorang sy tidak dapat menghadirkan diri walaupun sudah berjanji... sedih bukan?? teringin bergambar dengan kedua2nya.. heh3.. mat salleh derr... tiket balik hometown dah beli tp kesibukan hari sebelum menyebabkan sy sedikit kelewatan dan akhirnya ketinggalan bus... sorry gmah ;'( 

ngeh3,, tp xpe.. i know u are really happy that day.. can see from ur face darling.. kekeke... semoga perkahwinan yang dibina berkekalan hingga akhir nyawa. semoga rakanku ini sahabatku ini menjadi isteri yang solehah kepada suaminya... Aamiin... 

im waiting for new lives coming.. heh3.. xsabar nak tengok product mereka... oleh kerana kedua2nya sama cantik dan sama padan... kekeke :P

endingnya.. ibarat cerita dongeng cinderella... mereka berdua pun hidup happilly ever after :D


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TRAVEL REVIEW|i was just back.. Alhamdulillah


 a lot of srory that i had plannned to share with you guys.. but waited yahh.. sooon i will update later..

aigoo.. no laptop.. a lots of picture of course.. really happy there.. and no words can describe this...
 imiss sabahan people i miss those place..

i was in pangkalan kunak... 
#resepi #cooking try#precious food# 100 days 11 ogos 2014 100 days 16 february 2015 20-an ALPHABET RECOGNITION AMAZON Action songs Art and craft BECE BIRTHDAY PARTY BLOGLIST DAN SEGMEN Baby Milestones Bandung Ben ashaari Cinta Malaysia Sayang Kelantan DramaTv English Language Future Teacher GIVEAWAY Hari Rabu INDONESIA KIDS ACTIVITY KIDS PROJECT KIDS TOYS Ketam Kota Bharu Kelantan Kunak LESSON PLAN Lets learn "BAHASA MELAYU" Madinah Makkah Malay songs Maruku NURSERY NURSERY RHYMES PLANE TICKET PRESCHOOL PTPTN Princess sofia themem Pink theme Quotes of the Week REVIEW RINDU Ramadhan Resepi sos Mangga Resepi sos nyonya SABAH SOS MANGO SPORT&OUTDOOR SSPN Singapore TV SHOW Tawau UMRAH WRITING SKILLS advertising award baby photo bencana a.k.a musibah best place to visit KELANTAN bisnessbyIstanaSyurga bisnessonline breasfeeding tips brownies children assessment children milestones children performance children safety children trip and visit children with special need=gifted cognitive development contest dan contest foodhunters greenandredtea greenteathailand hand eyes recognition hilang# sukar jejaki lagi# dicuri# lalai# holiday a.k.a makan angin :) homeschooling kegemaran saya kid songs lagu+lirik lesen kereta letters makanan bercengkerang mimpi BESAR movie musim panas nephew+niece+children nothing just to say one destination. parenting tips parents teacher relationship party themem Barbie theme pools and waterfun public transportation puisi+poem+whatsoeverlah redteathailand saya jual secret recepi segmen agama sensory skills services specialcare teaching skills teman+sahabat tengah marah tips+petua+amalan=tindakan toddlers water play