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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lessons of failure

failure does not mean im failure;
it does mean im not yet sukses,
failure does not mean i have accomplished nothing;
it does mean i have learned something,
failure does not mean i hve a been a fool;
it does mean i had enough faith to experiment,
failure does not mean i have disgraced;
it does mean i have dared to try,
failure does not mean i dont have it;
it does mean i have something to do in a different way,
failure does not mean im inferior;
it does mean im not perfect,
failure does not mean i have wasted my life;
it does mean that i have an excuse to start over,
failure does not mean i should give up;
it does mean i must try harder,
failure does not mean that i will never make it;
it does mean that i need more practice,
failure does not mean that you have abondoned me;
it does mean that you must have a better idea,
fail to plan is plan to fail;
kegagalan bukan takdir,
tapi apa yang telah dirancang,
once i fail...does not mean i'll always fail...
not assume failure in negative way...
try to think it in + ...
n i'll know how important it is in our life...

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Lately nie selalu sangat ai rase menyesal dengan ape yang ai buat ngan ape yang ai x dapat buat. ngn apa yg ai ckp n ngn apa yg ai x dpt ckp..sometimes feel like nk buat or say sumtim, tapi delay, sampaikan dh x boleh nak buat baru nak sedey2, menyesal. Kadang-kadang pulak main melulu je buat sesuatu, lepas tue menyesal jugak. Memang x tau nak cakap macam mane dah,
rase macam ada masalah jiwa n hati.

Kite, ai la especially nye, jarang sedar yang ai tengah sakit, klu sakit fizikal tau la, sbb nampak kan: sakit gigi ke, perot, sendi ke. Act selalu je kite sakit, sakit jiwa, sakit emosi yang paling terok sakit hati. Kalau sakit fizikal tue, bolah la terus pg jumpe doctor. Tapi klu hati resah n x keruan, x pon terus taubat atau mintak hidayah Allah.

Sedey la dengan diri sendiri. Aii ade terbace satu article tentang masalah keresahan hati nie, n kat situ ade tulis yang kalau kite nak ubat hati, kite mesti tau dulu sebab nape hati tue saket. Sebabnya:

1) terlalu banyak kerja
2) suka berdengki dengan orang
3) suka mencari masalah orang
4) banyak bercakap, jadi banyak terguris hati orang
5) suka berfikiran negative
6) banyak angan-angan
7) sangat malas
8) orang yang sensitif

macam banyak je sebab yang ade kene dengan aku.
Hmmmm, tapi ape2 pun ai x boleh teros macam nie, sebab sampai
bile nak regret je tp take no action kan.
So hopefully, kite same2 develop balek semangat n ape2 yang sepatotnye ade pun la supaya jadik hamba yang dekat dengan Allah n taat n patuh perintah Dia, amalkan sunnah, ikot kate mak ayah.............................................

Takot rasenye.
( takot sangat klu hati dah mati, mintak dijauhkan, x nak)
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